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The Point: Australians have rejected an Indigenous Voice to Parliament | NITV
Australian referendum 2023: Australia votes no and rejects Indigenous voice to parliament
Why the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum failed | 7.30
Australia votes to reject an Indigenous Voice to Parliament
What the rejection of Indigenous recognition means to First Nations people | 60 Minutes Australia
Will a successful No vote further set back Aboriginal issues? #voicetoparliament #NITV #Aboriginal
Michael Mansell advocates for a separate Aboriginal state #ThePoint #NITV #voicetoparliament
Resounding rejection of the Voice to parliament referendum | 9 News Australia
With the Voice referendum defeated, how do we now address Indigenous disadvantage? | 7.30
‘Very clear answer’ on the Voice to Parliament expected tonight
#VoiceToParliament: Will this divide Australians by race?
When Will Australia See A Referendum For Indigenous Voices In Parliament? | Q&A